What is hydromulching you ask?

Hydro-mulching, sometimes referred to as hydro-seeding, is a grass planting process. The process is fast, efficient, and economical. This grass planting process is usually more effective than conventional seeding and certainly more economical than conventional sodding. To find out more please view below presentations: (place powerpoint presentation links here)

How does it work?

The process begins by mixing mulch, seed, fertilizer, and water in the tank of a hydro-mulching machine. The mixed material is then pumped from the tank and sprayed onto the ground. The material is often referred to as slurry, much like a soupy batch of green papier-mâché. Once applied to the soil, the material enhances initial growth by providing a microenvironment beneficial to seed germination.

Step1: Land is leveled, smoothed, and prepared for use.

Step2: A mixture of cellulose fibers, tackifiers, and water are place into one of our hydromulching machine, and mixed throughly.
Step3: The mulch is applied evenly over the prepared Land.

Step4: Water your land just once a day IF needed, and in less than a mouth, perfect green grass!


If the area being planted is smooth and vertical, the resulting grass surface will be smooth and vertical. Golf greens are frequently planted with hydro-mulching resulting in a smooth surface. Hydro-mulching material is weed free. However, weed seed is almost always present in the soil, and when the soil gets the moisture and fertilizer from the planting process, weeds usually appear.


New home lawns may be the largest single defined market for hydro-mulching. Other landscape applications are also significant. Hydro-mulching is being used more and more in new golf course construction. Each of these applications is usually irrigated, and the turf resulting from the application is usually classified as “fine turf”. Sod Quality Results can be achieved almost every time when appropriate amounts of quality wood mulch and tackifiers are used. New highway construction always needs new grass planted. Grass is frequently needed on mine sites, and reclamation of mine sites has increased with the recent concerns for the environment. Utility construction areas frequently need grass after pipe lines or power lines have been constructed. The list of places for planting grass in these “non turf quality” areas seems to be endless. Hydro-seeding, utilizing less mulch is frequently used on these large areas to be more economical. Hydro-seeding can work well on these “non-irrigated” areas, if the conditions are not too hot and dry. To learn more about the products used to get the job done, please visit our products tab.